When I am driving I avoid taking the highways as much as possible because of the high speed limit and my driving license is barely two years old so it’s still in a probation status. This means if accidents happen and the fault is on me I shall do the process all over again to get my license back. It includes risk driving test, theory test and on-the-road test. Not to mention the cost which is exorbitant.
It happened, however, that I drove on the motorway by mistake while finding my way back home from school. I took the wrong road and when I saw the 110-motorway sign I could do nothing but head on! I knew that it was no turning back so I just stepped on the gas until I reached the speed limit and left the access road (påfart) as soon as I could. That was the first time I drove on the expressway without hubby at my side. Kind of scary when I was compelled to overtake trucks that were not allowed to drive faster than 90 km/h.
Spring and summer are the high seasons for driving lessons and taking a driving license. I’m glad it’s over for me. In summer though hubby and I are usually on the road and he’s training me to drive on the expressway. I use our car three days a week to my job and it’s giving me the liberty to train by myself and get used more to driving.
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