When you go on a road trip you will have to stop for petrol or some rests more often if it requires a lengthy drive. It is more likely that you don’t have to choose and decide which rest stop you want to park and relax, but you will take one that’s on your route whenever you want. When we had our road trip to Barcelona we took the shortest way possible to be able to get there in just a short time. We did limit our stops but we had a good time recharging in every short stop we made. Most especially, we stayed for a while in this rest stop of admiration for what we saw.
It’s the Rastplatz Aussichtspunkt Moseltal and that bridge is called Moseltalbrücke in German. The view from the rest stop is so stunning that we couldn’t help but walked around with coffee in our hands.
It’s one magnificent panoramic views of the ground and mountainous landscape. We have been to many different rest stops but we have never been to a rest stop with this kind of a view. Not until we came to this rest stop in Winningen, Germany.
The sight of those grapevines at the fence and on the slopes made the place more captivating. If only we could plan our rest stop on our next road trip we would definitely stop in here again, of course. Here’s the address of the rest stop:
Autobahnraststätte Aussichtspunkt Moseltal West
56333 Winningen
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