It feels like summer is already upon us with the weather temperature as high as 28ºC and not even the brief heavy rain today could cool it down a bit, I believe everybody looks forward to going on a summer vacation somewhere. It depends entirely on one’s choice whether it will be in a warmer or cooler place. But my husband and I would prefer a moderate climate. It’s two more weeks before my work and school break starts but now I don’t feel like waiting that long. I want to be somewhere else away from my busy life. After all, we don’t get to appreciate our work and all if we don’t take a break. And the best way to spend a break is to go on a holiday.
Speaking of summer vacation, my colleague has been asking me where we will be travelling this summer. I told her that we haven’t got any plans yet. And it’s true. We don’t usually plan a summer trip beforehand. My husband has this “spur of the moment” attitude when it comes to travelling. One moment he’d say we’d go to Prague, the next he’d say we’d go to Croatia. As for me, I still have many cities to explore and I prefer to plan first before hitting the road or embarking for a flight anywhere. What I’ve had in mind is to go to Finland. Hopefully.
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