It was quite a tough decision to make when hubby thought of moving our websites to another web host. After staying with the same webhosting firm for six years, he said that it was time to find one that would suit our needs. He concluded that it was no longer giving us the service and performance that it used to. I was particularly anxious about what would happen with this blog during the process, knowing the large amount of posts already made. While my mind was focused on the files and all, his was to determine which web host would meet the needs of our sites.
He started searching the net for different web hosts and reading web hosting reviews. With the vast number of web hosting sites nowadays, it’s quite hard to choose which one is the best, if there’s any. It’s too early to tell if he has chosen the best one but the performance has been, so far, satisfactory. And its control panel is easy to navigate, like adding subdomains, creating databases, and the likes.
This website has been online for more than ten years and this is merely the third time we have moved to another webhost. But it was less hassle since we didn’t have a database to transfer but simple files. Now that most of our sites have been turned into blogs with self-hosted WordPress, the database is the vital file to transfer. But as you can see on this blog, all posts and images are still in place, like no moving to another web host has taken place.
Madras Geek says
all the best for the new hosting and your site loads pretty quick.
Marlene says
Thank you, Madrass Geek. I just hope it will stay that way.
villa for film says
You did really good.Its essential to change hosting for your site/blog success.Always find the better than old and search extra features that you require for instant result.You get the advantage of old stuff when jump into new.Your site opening very quickly as compare to old.
John@ Web hosting says
I found this kinda geek, but still enjoyed reading your blog. Keep it up and good luck on your new domain.
Raj @ Social Media Guide says
so what is ur new web host..?? Hope everything goes well with your new web host..