For once in your life, you must have done something for love. Probably not just once but many times. I don’t want to sound sentimental or pathetic on this post just because it’s Valentine’s Day. I admit that I’ve done something for love, too. Who haven’t? What we do for love can go wrong sometimes. But it’s just to remind us that “hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs” – Proverbs 10:12
I have nothing more to share to you this day but a song which lyrics can be interpreted in different ways. It sounds melancholic but she sings it with all sweet smiles on her face. I thought at first it’s about doing something good for love but why, oh, why he’s going to leave her. What did she do for love, anyway? Just listen.
Anyhow, she sings it with glamour. She’s one of my favorite Swedish artists and this song is one of the finalist in last year’s Song Festival (or Song Constest). The winner would compete for the Eurovision Song Contest. She didn’t make it to the top though.

Happy Valentine's Day!
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