@ Landvetter Airport
This is my second attempt to capture a bird in its usual flying maneuver and it turned out something I did not expect. At first I thought my camera missed the lone bird flying around the airport that one cold day but there it was in my picture, forming like a Mcdonald logo in the sky. It doesn’t look like a bird anymore. Just like the first, it’s another failure in my attempt. Maybe I get lucky next time. But for now, I can only laugh at this picture of a McDo sign scribbled up high. Love ko ‘to! 🙂
Digg the beginners guide says
The post name made me more hungry 😛
Digg the beginners guide’s last blog post..Yahoo! Briefcase closing down on 30th march
Marlene says
You must be a McDo burger lover, hehee!
Nick Phillips says
It does look like McDonald’s logo. Maybe you can try selling it to them. You might get a hefty payment for it 😀
Nick Phillips’s last blog post..Me No Speaka The Englees …
Marlene says
Is that so? Lol! The next time I will use a better camera.
Shanker Bakshi says
yes -Its looks exactly like Mcdonald Sign ( just like someone has photoshoped it right there) what a picture you have taken. 🙂
Shanker Bakshi’s last blog post..How Much Confident You Are About Your Blogging Success?
Marlene says
I don’t know how it happened, actually, hehee! Without using the font, I can’t even scribble the M in Photoshop. 🙂
angie says
Marlene, when I saw your photo I was so excited! I thought it’s UFO!! I’m a UFO freak. I’ve even dreamt about being face to face with UFOs!
Oh, it’s only birds….:-( Angie
Marlene says
Angie, that sounds weird. I’d be scared to death If I get to see any UFO.
angie says
BTW Marlene, you’ve been tagged! Pls join in the fun!
angie’s last blog post..Photo Challenge Tag
Marlene says
I’ve checked the tag, Angie. It’s cool! I’m joining.
HOBO(nickname) says
I am searching Pizza.
HOBO(nickname)’s last blog post..Colours and Emotions – Barsat Rang
Marlene says
Hobo, next time I maybe taking a shot on Pizza Hut, who knows, hehee!
ChinkyMel says
Wow, that’s super cool. =)
ChinkyMel’s last blog post..Tsk tsk…Mean Kids
Marlene says
Is it? Like a magic in the sky, 🙂
Rozella says
OMG! It really does look like a McDs sign!!!!
Rozella’s last blog post..Together Again
Marlene says
Rozie, yeah, and it took months before I realized it looked like McD sign.
Pahn says
dang,, that’s a cool shot,, awesome,,
Pahn’s last blog post..I Will Get My Franchise
Marlene says
Ehee, Pahn, that’s not exactly what I want it would turn out to be.
Maricris says
It’s so funny seeing MC do flying in the sky! LOL! I also like ur new template. So ikaw! 🙂 I like your banner too especially the description. So true! Haven’t been blogging as much or blog hopping either. Priorities changes!
Maricris’s last blog post..The Red Deal
Marlene says
Maricris, how have you been lately? Oh, sometimes we need to set priorities other than blogging.
Thanks. I’ve modified this theme just b4 Valentines. Wish I could sit pretty and blog all the time, just like the one in my banner, hehee!
Gallivanter says
Those birds are capitalists! LOL!
Marlene says
Gallivanter, birds are having crisis so they want a brand to sell them out, lol!
Abhishek says
Amazing !! nature can show anything !
Abhishek’s last blog post..Google Apps Email Service Status
Marlene says
Yes, indeed. The least we expect, the more it amazes us.
Joey Logano says
Hey its still cool though! Some other people might think its an UFO lol.
Marlene says
Hi Joel, welcome to Potpourri! Yes, it does look like UFO and I had no idea how it came out like that. 🙂